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Why does your company need more reviews? The employee perspective is the most trusted point of view. According to Glassdoor, “Employees rank among the most trusted influencers when communicating about their company’s engagement and integrity.

Knowing that you may receive more negative reviews than positive ones may frighten your executives, but having the strategy in place respond to those reviews will help your organization’s perception among job seekers. “62 percent of Glassdoor users agree their perception of a company improves after seeing an employer respond to a review,” so make sure to have the response strategy prior to launching an engagement strategy.

CLICK TO TWEET: 62% of @Glassdoor users say their perception of a company improves after seeing that they respond to reviews.

Once that is in place, how will you get started with obtaining more reviews on Glassdoor? Here are three ways to get organized, get buy in and ensure that the messages are coming from the right team.

  1. Identify the groups.

Who are you looking to target in the organization? Is it new hires, c-level executives, boomerangs or other groups? Once you identify them, you’ll want to create a timeline to remind the team of the importance to leave reviews on Glassdoor. Get supervisors involved because they may encourage reviews in team meetings, for example.

  1. Create email templates and materials.

Each identified group may have a unique timeline as to when you’ll reach out to them, but the messaging can be similar. If you’re speaking to new hires, your message may include more background on Glassdoor, but if you’re speaking to executives, they may already know about it. Knowing your audiences so that you can tailor your message is imperative because it shows that there is thought going into the initiative.

 Your messaging to every group should include the following:

  • A link to the Glassdoor page
  • What is Glassdoor? (1-2 sentences)
  • Why are reviews important to job seekers?
  • Why does the organization want their feedback?
  • How long will it take to complete?
  • Share that it’s not mandatory, but it is anonymous.

Another thing that may be helpful is putting together a one-sheet document that can be attached to the email or live on your intranet site where it explains what Glassdoor is, the importance of it and examples of reviews. Some people tend to not leave reviews simply because they don’t know what to write or feel like there may be consequences to them being honest. Provide examples and reiterate that it’s anonymous and not mandatory.

Reminder: These points can be found in“8 employee engagement templates to help improve your employer brand.”

  1. HR (and Legal) is your friend.

Involve HR and legal in the process for this strategy because if your team (talent acquisition or employer branding/marketing) is sending out these messages, questions may arise. You’ll also want to partner closely with HR and legal to help instruct managers who may send emails about Glassdoor to their team. If HR or legal were to send out these messages, you may create that mandatory feeling among employees which, again, goes against Glassdoor’s Community Guidelines. Prepare HR and legal for any backlash that may arise and always share all the materials you will be distributing.

CLICK TO TWEET: 3 Ways to Get Your Employees to Write @Glassdoor Reviews #employerbrand

The goal of this strategy is to make sure your organization is transparent to job seekers through employees’ reviews. Educate your employees on what Glassdoor is, the benefits of it and why it’s important that they provide feedback on this forum. They may organically start to discuss with one another and leave reviews. In the meantime, if you need assistance with creating a strategy or you’re looking for email templates, Glassdoor can assist.

Remember to download “8 employee engagement templates to help improve your employer brand” from Glassdoor’s website to find inspiration for messaging, as well as tips on how to put your organization’s employer brand on the map.

Bonus: Still need help with responding to reviews? Check out our blog article on “Four Reviewers You’ll See on Glassdoor (and how to respond).” Need to get your company page up to date? Download the best practices checklist on our resources page!


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