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In talent acquisition, there have been times where names for source data have been used inconsistently across organizations and vendors. Because of this challenge, a group of talent acquisition professionals--including our very own Ryan Christoi, EVP Client Strategy--joined forces with ATAP to solve this problem. This ATAP committee's goal was to collectively build consensus and drive awareness of a standard framework and common understanding of how to approach source effectiveness in the talent acquisition industry. 

After about a year of meeting and discussing, the committee has finally released their conclusions in this ATAP White Paper: Source Effectiveness Guidelines for Talent Acquisition. 

While this white paper covers a plethora of topics and goes into great detail on each, thanks to the ATAP committee of 13 industry experts, here are a few of the areas covered in this resource:

  • What’s the difference between a lead, a prospect, and an applicant?
  • What’s the difference between sourcing and a source?
  • What is a quality hire?
  • What are the different source attribution models?
  • What is a conversion ratio?
  • What are some concrete metrics you can use to evaluate source effectiveness?

Click here to read the full white paper. 

We hope that this resource is valuable not only to talent acquisition professionals and practitioners, but also to the many industry providers out there. 

If you're not familiar with ATAP (Association of Talent Acquisition Professionals), check this group out. Founded in 2016, ATAP’s mission is to "develop a body of unified educational, ethical and measurement standards, advocate on issues that impact those in our profession, and build a global community of inspired and informed professionals."

Lastly, be on the lookout for more information about Global TA Day 2020 happening on September 2, 2020! You can sign up to receive updates about this awesome industry event here.


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