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Recruitment Marketing

The American Staffing Association held one of their biggest conferences of the year, Staffing World, last week in San Diego, and the Recruitics team was there talking recruitment marketing, analytics and more.

Staffing World is an event that revolves around the ASA’s mission of representing and promoting the U.S. staffing industry, and this year’s event celebrated the association’s 50 years of advocacy for the space.

As such, Staffing World 2016 was an unprecedented event both in shear size and in content. If you didn’t get a chance to make it there, we’ve put together the following takeaways you’ll want on your radar as we head into the new year.

Here are the top 3 takeaways from ASA Staffing World 2016

  • Technology in recruitment is king:
    ASA is known for the insightful surveys and studies they conduct about the staffing industry. As such, no Staffing World conference would be complete without properly polling the attendees. When asked, outside of growing your business, “what’s your firm’s top priority for 2017,” nearly 30 percent of respondents chose “keeping up with and leveraging technology.” In fact, the need to keep up with and properly leverage recruitment technology beat out professionally developing their internal teams and increasing internal employee engagement, two hot trends that were on every employer’s radar in 2016.
  • The demand for data and End-to-End recruitment analytics is skyrocketing:
    If there’s one complaint we heard over and over at ASA Staffing World, it’s frustration with the current state of recruitment data and analytics. Few staffing agencies are satisfied with the level and quality of data they’re receiving in regards to their talent acquisition efforts. After speaking with a number of attendees it became abundantly clear that what these professionals want, and are looking for, is a platform that provides both campaign- and job-level insights, as well as End-to-End Analytics that help them drill down to important metrics like cost-per-quality applicant.
  • Recruitment optimization must include PPC and job slots:
    Recruitment marketing optimizations normally revolve around making data-driven decisions with your budget, in order to drive a greater ROI when you advertise jobs online. While there are a number of platforms that help you make data-driven optimizations to your PPC strategies (Recruitics is one of them), staffing agencies rarely run strategies that exclusively leverage PPC media. As such, the demand has shifted accordingly towards platforms that also include job slot optimization, because optimizing the right media mix (PPC and job slots, together) is the best way to grow applicant volume while lowering costs. (Read our case study on finding the right media mix here.)

After a couple days at ASA Staffing World, consistent trends emerged. Staffing agencies understand that, in order to grow their gross margin, they not only need to find the right candidates, but they need to find them at the right cost. Doing so in today’s staffing climate means leveraging the right technologies in order to remain competitive and outperform the competition.

Unfortunately, for many staffing agencies, they’ve been unable to find the right technology that helps them identify End-to-End recruitment analytics, optimize their job slots, cut wasted budget from their recruitment marketing spend and, overall, drive greater ROI. Fortunately, for staffing agencies everywhere, Recruitics is here to help on all accounts.

Sign up for a demo today to learn more about how Recruitics is capable of meeting these demands and can help make it easy for you to understand your recruitment marketing strategy.

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