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Jobg8’s European Job Board Summit is largely seen as one of the most important events in the industry, and last week’s 6th annual conference certainly lived up to expectations. With major players from across the job board space converging on London between Nov. 9 and 10, there were plenty of important conversations had.

The event included multiple educational breakout sessions and discussions of common industry challenges such as 2018 recruitment marketing trends, the use of technology like chatbots and Artificial Intelligence to enhance business, candidate engagement, increasing revenue and the impact of Google for Jobs.

If you weren't able to make it out to London for Jobg8’s 2017 European Job Board Summit, there are still some important points to take away from the conference. Here, we’ve compiled a few that we think are can’t miss:

Optimize User Experience for Better Candidate Engagement

While user experience is a term you most likely associate with your smartphone, it was actually a major focal point in this year’s sessions. In particular, talks circled around how Job Boards can improve conversion rates by better engaging their core users. For example, long load times on pages can encourage visitors to leave a job board and look elsewhere during their job search. By optimizing page speed to cater to user needs, job boards can avoid presenting a user experience that feels outdated and lacking. (via @Jobg8)

Expect Chatbots and AI to Play a Role in the Future of Recruitment

Many speakers discussed the role of chatbots and artificial intelligence (AI) in the future of recruitment. In one breakout session, a speaker noted the anticipated growth of chatbots by highlighting Gartner’s projection that “by 2020 we will have more conversations with chatbots than our spouse.” For companies trying to keep up with the times and the needs of job seekers, chatbots could be seen as a viable a solution. (via @grazynarzehak)

Industry Professionals Need to Understand and Prepare for the Impact of Google for Jobs

We’ve spoken a lot about Google’s move into recruitment over the last few months (you can read our articles here, here and here) and it appears the search giant still has a few surprises up their sleeves for job boards. At Jobg8’s European Job Board Summit, Google’s Tarquin Clark unveiled its Cloud Job Discovery--a feature of Google for Jobs that “uses machine learning to better understand both job content and the intent of job seekers.” Google Cloud Job Discovery is designed to advance both the job search experience and hiring process. Google for Jobs is continuing to have a major impact on the industry. Whether you’re an employer, staffing agency or job board professional, it’s time to understand and prepare for Google for Job’s impact. (via @louisetriance)

This year’s event focused heavily on optimizing technologies and methods in order to engage candidates and better the hiring process. If you attended the 2017 Jobg8 Job Board Summit, and have something to add to this post, contact us here or tweet us @Recruitics.

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