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We’re heading into to Q4, which means seasonality is on the horizon and parts of our industry will begin to slow a bit.

But for Recruitics, we’re still rolling full steam ahead. In fact, right now we’re gearing up for two big conferences this month, HR Tech and ASA Staffing World. We’re excited to get out to these events, talk about recruitment marketing best practices, and participate in a number of educational sessions.

If we’re being honest, however, the thing we’re most excited about is to talk to all of you about the number of advances we’ve made in our mission to make it easy for companies to find great talent.

You can definitely speak with us one-on-one at these industry conferences, but as a preview--and for those who won’t be attending--here’s a taste of what we’ve been up to in 2016:

  • Job Slot Optimization: If you’re familiar with Recruitics, then you know we’ve been primarily concerned with helping businesses, staffing agencies and job boards get the most out of their performance-based advertising. But we haven’t forgotten about all of the HR and talent acquisition professionals out there who leverage job slots. We recently rolled out Job Slot Optimization as a new feature of our Recruitics ActionTM platform, which allows you to automate the management of your job slots and realize optimal value from your investment. You can learn more about Job Slot Optimization by reading our press release here.
  • End-to-End Analytics: If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past year, it’s that HR and talent acquisition professionals care about some metrics more than others. We’ve discovered that the gold-standard metric, so to speak, is cost-per-quality-applicant and our End-to-End (E2E) Analytics can provide just that. Not only do we integrate with top Applicant Tracking Systems (ATSs), but we can use this integration to help give you the most holistic understanding of your recruitment marketing strategy, available. Learn more about E2E Analytics by reading our press release here.
  • Filters and Bookmarked Filters: Admittedly, filters and bookmarked filters aren’t as glamorous as Job Slot Optimization and E2E Analytics, but they are a small update that has a big impact on our user’s day-to-day work. Recruitics provides the most granular of recruitment data and analytics and filters help HR and talent acquisition professionals quickly and efficiently sift through that data and pull important insights from it. Bookmarked filters are just the icing on the cake--they allow you to save your filters so you can pull them back up in just a few clicks.

While the year is far from over, Recruitics has grown a lot over the first three quarters of 2016, and we’re proud to say that growth is for the benefit of our users. Not to mention, it’s lead to our recognition at this year’s Recruiting Service Industry (ReSI) awards, where our product Recruitics AnalyticsTM was named Most Innovative Big Data Solution for Recruitment.

If you’d like to keep up to date on Recruitics, including product updates, blogs, press releases and more, sign up for our newsletter today.

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