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Check out our "Talent Attraction News: April Edition" – a monthly content roundup that pulls together all of the articles and blogs we’ve been reading about recruitment marketing, talent acquisition and more.This is a compilation of all the content we’ve sent to our newsletter subscribers over the course of the past month. Sign up for our newsletter to get these updates sent directly to your inbox each week.iStock-914979826

April’s Talent Attraction News

Programmatic Job Advertising 2.0 - Smarter Recruitment Marketing

As a serious recruitment professional, you know that every marketing effort counts. That’s why you are probably interested in using the latest technology to bring talent in before the competition does. To see the structure around programmatic job advertising and how it can boost your efforts and business goals, read more here.


Job Hunters Are The New Consumers: How Recruiters Can Cope With A Changing Talent Landscape

Change has come to the recruiting world in a big way, and as recruiters, it’s up to you to work with these changes and keep the talent pipeline into your company open and flowing. Recruiting Headlines has created a combination of things they feel you should be aware of, the kind of information you’ll want in the back of your head as you prepare your next job listing or awareness marketing campaign, along with concrete suggestions for ways you can thrive in the changing talent landscape. Catch up on these tips and tricks here!


Prepare and Respect: How to Provide a Positive Candidate Experience

Looking for a job is stressful. From going to interviews to choosing the right position, the application and recruiting process is costly in both time and effort. To make matters worse, after all this work, many job seekers never hear back from employers; sometimes it seems that their applications simply disappear into a “black hole." So how can employers improve their interview and recruiting processes to provide a positive candidate experience? Read more about it from Indeed here.


Amid Brexit Uncertainty, Employers Can Maintain Recruitment Marketing Goals

The decision over separation from the European Union (EU) has had a large impact on employers in the region. Employers are tasked with maintaining recruitment marketing strategies while things remain in limbo. Read on to learn ways to maintain your recruitment marketing goals despite the possible change.


To Retain New Hires, Spend More Time On-boarding Them

Reporting suggests that employee retention is the number one issue on the minds of CEO's today globally. And yet, companies often spend very little time on-boarding new hires. A standardized on-boarding process is essential. Read on to learn how to effective organizations on-board new hires for the duration of their first year.


8 Keys to Hiring The Right Team Members As Your Company Scales

Hiring is central to growth, but it's also one of the biggest barriers a company comes up against when trying to grow fast. Two things to consider are, what are the biggest pitfalls scaling companies need to look out for in the hiring process? And, what are the critical keys to hiring without compromising the growth path of a scaling company? Elias Torres, the CTO and Co-Founder at Drift, explains the best methods for hiring the right team members from, read all about it here!


What Do Your Company Profiles Say About Your Employer Brand 

Sometimes it’s important to take a step back as a recruitment marketer and try to see the experience through the eyes of a candidate. It’s easy to have a list of requirements that candidates must meet in order to fit the corporate culture, but what if the message that your company is sending on your online profiles is inaccurate? How can you expect to attract and hire top talent if your employer branding is unclear on company profiles like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Facebook or other places where candidates will encounter information about the company? Check out ways to make sure that your company profile reflects your employer brand here.


Tales From a Tight Labor Market

The world of work is a complex and rapidly changing place, but the right data can help us all understand what’s going on. Knowledge is power, and informed decision making is the most powerful of all. Thankfully, Indeed has established a global team of researchers that help make sense of the labor market and help employers and job seekers understand today's work world. To get insight on today's fastest-growing job searches read on here.


How to Boost the SEO of Your Organization's LinkedIn Page

You already know the importance of optimizing your website so that it shows up near the top of relevant search engine results. But, did you know you can also consider SEO for your company’s LinkedIn Page? If you put in the effort to complete and optimize your LinkedIn Page, you’ll want it to be found. These brand hubs on LinkedIn provide an excellent opportunity to tell your story, highlight your employees, and share useful content. Read on to uncover the best ways to improve the SEO of your LinkedIn Page.


Recruitics Welcomes Our New VP of Strategy

We recently announced a new hire to our leadership team - Adam Fudala now serves as the new Vice President of Strategy. The move follows the announcement of the Four Pillars of Talent Attraction™, our proprietary methodology to help companies attract and hire top talent. Read the full press release here.


Here's What Your Peers Are Doing to Strengthen Talent Acquisition

With seven million open jobs and six million unemployed in the United States, 2018 marked the first year since the turn of the century with more job vacancies than available workers. The environment for today’s recruiters is more challenging than ever—and that’s exactly why now is the time for innovation. The Human Resource Executive outlines what companies are doing to better attract and retain talent. Read all about it here.


Talent Acquisition Movers, Shakers, and News Breakers From Recruiting Daily

It's always important to stay up to date on the latest news especially when it applies to the talent acquisition world. Recruiting Daily has compiled a list of all the latest headlines that you don't want to miss. Read more here to gain insight on some of this month's trending topics like US job growth, the latest US Department of Labor news, TA Software, Capital Investments and Acquisitions, Upcoming Conferences and so much more!



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