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Check out our "Talent Attraction News: June Edition" – a monthly content roundup that pulls together all of the articles and blogs we’ve been reading about recruitment marketing, talent acquisition and more.

This is a compilation of all the content we’ve sent to our newsletter subscribers over the course of the past month. Sign up for our newsletter to get these updates sent directly to your inbox each week.iStock-1092210004

June’s Talent Attraction News

Why You Can't Find Your Jobs on Google

As an experienced recruitment marketer, you probably know that just two years ago, Google launched its AI-powered job search engine called Google for Jobs. Using similar technology as its marketing platform, Google for Jobs quickly shook up the way that job boards needed to operate in order for job openings to be found by these new search capabilities. Many of the major job boards and aggregators partnered with Google to get their jobs shown in search results, and employers soon followed. However, Google for Jobs introduced a new set of requirements for creating job requisitions that took some trial and error for employers to learn. Some recruitment marketing and talent acquisition professionals have even voiced frustrations over the way Google for Jobs displays openings. One of the more common issues that we hear about is not being able to find your jobs on Google.  Read the full article here.

5 Crucial Elements to Upgrade Your Employer Branding

Have you been struggling when it comes to attracting great talent to your organization? The problem could be that you’ve overlooked your employer brand. Developing a strong employer brand for your company is of the utmost importance for meeting your recruitment goals. It embodies how your organization communicates its identity as a workplace, your mission, values, culture, and personality are put on display for current and potential employees. Let’s dive in and discover exactly how you can create a better employer brand through these elements, read on to learn more here!

6 Steps to Selecting the Best ATS for Your Company

Ah, the applicant tracking system (or ATS for short). Where would recruiting be if not for this one invention? Back in the dark ages, for sure, and moving at a much slower speed, for another. Lucky for you, the ATS exists, serving as the foundation of many a talent acquisition function. If you’re in recruiting long enough, the time will come to make a new selection and switch from one ATS to another, and you'll see that when it comes to this “critical” solution, one size hardly fits all, and some applicant tracking systems definitely work better than others. Read on to learn which ATS is best suited for you!

Why You Need a Recruitment Marketing Agency

In the present time, a recruitment marketing agency is vital to the growth of any organization. The job market is not showing any signs of letting up in terms of talent shortages, therefore the leading way for companies to gain the advantage is by using strategic recruitment marketing practices to attract and hire the best candidates. Traditional marketing departments often have little to no time or understanding of the unique aspects of recruitment; therefore, it takes a solid team of dedicated specialists in this area to make it happen. Read on to learn the importance of working with a recruitment marketing agency.

Why We Need to Rethink “Employer Brand”

Today, a strong employer brand is seen as a critical way to attract, engage, and retain the best people. At a time when top talent is highly mobile, those are certainly laudable goals. The problem with most employer branding though is that it is disconnected from the corporate brand and the core drivers of the business. It is typically managed by the HR department and too often becomes associated with superficial perks, such as free lunch or unlimited vacation. In the United States alone, there are now more than 40 consultancies focused on employer branding, usually separate from any larger strategic purpose. Read more here!

When Money Doesn't Talk: The Employer Branding Imperative

Money doesn’t talk as loudly as it used to. In today’s talent-driven marketplace, a company’s reputation speaks volumes to potential hires in a way that a salary offer can’t. A strong employer brand is the secret sauce not only for talent recruitment but also for employee engagement and company loyalty, critical factors for business success. Yet many companies focus only on the recruitment part and miss out on the benefits of holistic employer branding. Money may not get top talent in the door, but your employer brand can when the experience of working for your company matches the brand promises that you have made. Read more here.

How An ATS Can Impact The Success Or Failure Of Your Online Job Advertising Strategies

Companies have long relied on applicant tracking systems (ATS) or talent management systems to process and move candidate information through various stages of the recruitment and hiring process. This automatic system can range from gathering applications and screening candidates to issuing new hire paperwork. While there are many benefits of using an ATS for recruitment, the technology has its limitations causing some candidates to fall through the cracks. Your ATS may also be to blame for the success or failure of your online job advertising strategies. Read on to learn how an ATS impact or hinder your company's growth in the long run.

Want A Winning Team? Stop Spending On Perks And Start Investing In Culture

We’ve been in a 20-year struggle to attract and retain the best people. And it has been a constant, costly battle. The war for talent was prophesied by McKinsey in 1998. Over this two-decade period, it was expected that business would experience a heightened demand for experienced employees. Companies would become “talent-constrained” with not enough people to deliver. To win, business would pay more and more for the people it would need. Fast forward to where we are now, the rivers of VC funding have not yet run dry, but the fear of how to attract and retain the best people persists. Read more here.

Speaking Louder Is Not An Employer Branding Strategy

Do you feel like hiring the right talent in your organization is like looking for a needle in a haystack? There are endless comments, tweets, and resources out there talking about "THE WAR FOR TALENT". With that premise, and negative connotation, how do we even start to make ourselves, and our brand, more visible? It might feel like a daunting task, but the solution is closer than you think. And it’s called Employer Branding. Research shows that at least 75% of companies saw an improvement in the quality of candidates in response to the investment in their Employer Brand. Read on to learn how to bring your Employer Brand to the next level.

3 Types of Online Job Advertising: Job Postings, Job Slots & Sponsored Jobs 

There are many ways to attract the best talent, especially when it comes to digital or online recruitment marketing options. A few of the most common methods to advertise your jobs online include job postings, job slots, and sponsored jobs. Learn more about these three types of online job advertisements and determine the advantages and reasons for using them in your recruitment marketing strategy.

Indeed Interactive Day One Highlights: Indeed Partners with Goodwill and more!

Indeed Interactive 2019 was filled with a ton of great keynote speakers, breakout sessions, talent attraction eye-openers, and special announcements. On the first day, Indeed and Goodwill announced that they have decided to collaborate in helping one million job seekers around the world find employment over the next five years. They have identified the problem and plan to provide solutions to help job seekers who are overlooked or face barriers to find employment. Read more here to learn about their partnership as well as other great presentations and events that took place directly from the main stage.

America’s Best Employers By State

Silicon Valley startups and established Wall Street stalwarts are often what come to mind as the places where Americans most want to work. But if more than 100 consecutive months of job gains have proven anything, it’s that a wide variety of employers from coast to coast have what it takes to attract and retain top talent. Forbes partnered with market research company Statista to pinpoint the organizations liked best by employees in our first-ever ranking of America’s best employers by state. The ranking is divided into 51 lists: one for each of the 50 states, plus the District of Columbia. Check it out here!

Introducing the LinkedIn Pages Enterprise Playbook

Announcing the LinkedIn Pages Enterprise Playbook, the enterprise-level version of one of LinkedIn’s most successful playbooks. Whether you’re in HR and manage a team to advance your talent brand, or in social media and manage a team to promote your corporate brand, this quick read offers actionable guidance from industry leaders on how to administer your pages across multiple geographies and functions, develop a sophisticated content marketing strategy, strategize showcase pages to highlight your brand portfolio, turn your employees into brand advocates and more. Learn more here!


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