Welcome back to Recruitment Analytics and Job Advertising News–our monthly content roundup that pulls together all of the articles and blogs we’ve been reading about recruitment analytics and job advertising.
This column is a compilation of all the content we’ve sent to our newsletter subscribers over the course of the past month. Sign up for our newsletter now to get these updates sent directly to your inbox each week.
March’s Recruitment Analytics News
Cost-Per-Quality-Applicant & Cost-Per-Hire:
The Holy Grail of Recruitment Marketing Analytics
When it comes to recruitment marketing analytics, there are still HR and talent acquisition professionals who haven’t bought in. But, as recruitment continues to become more data-driven, it’s increasingly important to understand the advantage analytics can give them. The best example of this is found in the “holy grail” of recruitment metrics (cost-per-quality-applicant and cost-per-hire) which we explain in detail, with the help of iCIMS, in our latest blog.
4 Hiring Insights You Can Get From Your Indeed Performance Report
In the absence of a recruitment marketing analytics platform, your next best bet at gaining access to important KPIs is to go directly to the source. When it comes to Indeed, that data is provided to you in the form of your Indeed Performance Report. Read on to learn which top KPIs you can get out of this recruitment marketing analytics report from Indeed.
How Job Seekers and Recruiters Use Social Media for Recruitment [INFOGRAPHIC]
In a recent blog, we explain why Automated Social Job Distribution is important when leveraging social media in recruitment marketing. But, why use social media in recruitment at all? In this infographic, we show (through data) exactly why social media is becoming an increasingly important piece to any good recruitment marketing strategy.
Recruitics Now Offers an Automated Social Job Distribution and Analytics Solution
There are a number of ways to leverage social media in recruitment marketing, and now you can leverage the power of the social platforms directly in Recruitics Action. Read on to learn about our latest feature release that allows you to automate the distribution of your jobs to popular sites like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.
Talent by the Numbers, Part 3
What percentage of Millennials work remotely at least 20 percent of the time? What’s the unemployment rate in the healthcare sector? How many people expect to be able to apply to jobs over their mobile device? Read on to learn the statistics behind all of these questions as ERE media wraps up their “Talent by the Numbers” series (Parts 1 and 2 linked within).
It’s Getting Hot in Here: Strong Job Growth Confirms Rate Hikes to Come
In case you missed it, the February jobs report is one that just can’t be ignored. With the economy adding more than 200,000 jobs and unemployment ticking down to 4.7 percent, we can expect the war for talent to increase as businesses compete to fill even more positions with an applicant pool that simply hasn’t kept pace. iCIMS has all the details you need on the February jobs report here.
HR Data Analytics Can Lay the Groundwork for Workforce Improvements
If there’s one binary decision to be made in recruitment, it lies in determining whether you should drive decisions based on data or based on your gut. With the level of recruitment marketing metrics available today, it’s hard to argue for intuition over analytics. That’s the conclusion that MIT Professor Emilio J. Castilla has come to in this Q&A with TechTarget.
March’s Job Advertising News
3 Trends Driving Innovation in Recruitment Advertising Technology
Recruitment advertising technology is really starting to hit its stride. It has more capabilities than ever before, and companies are continuing their rapid adoption of the many platforms and services available. Read on to learn about which 3 trends are driving this innovation today.
The 3 Most Common Types of Online Job Advertising [INFOGRAPHIC]
Whether you’re just entering the world of online job advertising, or you’re looking to get back to basics, this is a great resource you’ll want to bookmark. Check out our recent infographic to learn about the 3 most common types of online job advertising, their payment models and efficiency breakdowns.
Why Automated Social Job Distribution Is a Must
Leveraging social media in your recruitment marketing strategy might seem like a cumbersome process, but it’s a growing “must” in an increasingly competitive job market. That’s where Automated Social Job Distribution comes into play. In our recent blog, we sat down with our partner CareerArc to explain why social media is increasingly having an impact on recruitment today.
Facebook’s Job Board Entry a ‘Solid First Step’
Facebook now allows businesses to post jobs to the social media platform for the first time outside of a company “status update.” This change to Facebook’s company pages was long awaited and announced to much fanfare, but how does this social recruiting tool compare to the rest of the field? Read on to learn about where Facebook has succeeded early on with their new job advertising offering and why LinkedIn has nothing to fear--yet.
5 Industry Experts on How Technology Will Affect The Future of Recruitment
It goes as a surprise to no one that HR is in the midst of a major transformation. Of the many catalysts pushing this transition forward, technology stands out as a major driving force. But what do industry experts have to say about it? Read on to see what 5 industry experts had to say about how technology is changing their space.
6 Tips to Recruit Top Talent on a Tiny Budget
Recruiting in today’s talent-driven market isn’t only difficult, it can also be expensive. With a growing number of recruitment channels, media types and strategies to deploy across multiple vendors and to advertise your jobs on, finding ways of cutting down costs can feel impossible. But it’s not! In this post, learn how you can recruit more effectively on a smaller budget by doing simple things like taking advantage of the technology available to you.
New IDC Report Identifies 3 Mistakes in Talent Acquisition Today
What are the three most common mistakes HR and talent acquisition professionals are making in recruitment today? According to independent analyst IDC’s Emerging Trends in Talent Acquisition and Staffing Report (Full report available here), they include poor prioritization of the channels you’re investing in, as well as the misuse of social media. See how Glassdoor breaks the IDC report down in this post.
How Tech is Transforming Recruiting
On the fence about adding some recruitment advertising technology to your HR and talent acquisition efforts? If you are, you might be falling behind your competition as the recruitment ad tech arms race begins to heat up. In this post, TalentCulture highlights five tips for choosing the best tech available for you needs, so you can get off the fence and get into the race.
Attract Better Candidates By Tweaking Your Job Ads
When it comes to landing the best talent, the candidate’s deciding factor of whether they apply or not often comes down to the words you choose rather than your application process. This is because successful job posts start with great content. Read on to learn about how you can leave unqualified candidates behind by targeting the best talent with better content.
Are These Names Brilent? New Recruiting Sites and Services
Recruitment marketing is a fluid game in that, even if you already have a great media mix, you should still constantly be evaluating new sources to add to your strategy. To help you discover new sources, the Job Board Doctor puts together a list of new vendors he’s come across every month or so. Read on to see who made his list this month.
How Innovations Revolutionize Talent Acquisition
There’s a competition brewing amongst HR departments across the country and, indeed, the globe. Businesses are beginning to innovate with talent acquistion as a means of becoming a top destination for leading talent. And this competition was on full display at ERE Media’s SourceCon event earlier this month. In this blog, one SourceCon attendee recounts his experience how innovation, branding, marketing, and technology all come together under the larger umbrella of a talent acquisition strategy today.
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