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May 9th marked the conclusion of another successful Employer Branding Strategies Conference (#EBrandCon) in San Diego. The 3-day conference brought together talent acquisition professionals and thought leaders from across the country to discuss trends and insights in talent attraction, recruitment marketing, and of course, employer branding.

The Recruitics team was on the ground in San Diego and keeping up with all the action on Twitter. Here are some of the best tweets and top takeaways from #EBrandCon 2019: 


Creating a positive candidate experience is essential.

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(via @ErinMStevens, @Social_EM, and @EBrandCon)


Effective employer branding isn’t just about appealing to candidates, it’s also about building and strengthening your relationship with your employees.

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(via @lorimsylvia and @Social_Em)


Trying to market to everyone may do more harm than good. Targeting specific audiences can help attract the right talent to your brand.

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(via @Fishdogs and @tparsons)


Ensuring that you have an in-depth job and source-level analytics platform will improve your ability to classify your jobs and help you understand how to optimize your recruitment marketing spend for the best ROI.

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(via @Social_Em, @JoshZywien, and @lorimsylvia)


These tweets represent just a handful of the top insights from this year’s #EBrandCon. Any takeaways we missed or tweets we left out? Contact us here or connect with us on Twitter @recruitics to let us know.


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