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Welcome back to Recruitment Analytics and Job Advertising News–our monthly content roundup that pulls together all of the articles and blogs we’ve been reading about recruitment analytics and job advertising.

This column is a compilation of all the content we’ve sent to our newsletter subscribers over the course of the past month. Sign up for our newsletter now to get these updates sent directly to your inbox each week.

June’s Recruitment Analytics News

Recruitics Launches FREE Recruitment Analytics Dashboard in the US and UK
If you didn’t have a chance to make it to Bullhorn Engage in Boston or the UK Recruiter’s Tech Showcase in London in June, then you may have missed our big announcement. After a successful pre-release, we’ve officially launched Recruitics Analytics, our free recruitment marketing analytics dashboard beta for employers, staffing agencies and job boards. Learn more about our new platform that industry leaders are calling the “Google Analytics for recruitment.”

How to Leverage Metrics for Effective Recruiting
The importance of metrics in recruitment marketing cannot be understated. Without the proper analytics it can extremely difficult, if not downright impossible, to effectively manage or optimize your online job ads. If you’re looking to get more out of your talent acquisition efforts and improve your return on investment, you’ll want to start by understanding how metrics can be used to make recruitment more effective.

New Report Highlights Future of Recruitment Marketing Software
Recruitment marketing isn’t going anywhere, and companies are beginning to notice. According to a new study, a full 70 percent of businesses are interested in, or planning on, investing in recruitment marketing software in the coming months. Read on to learn more about the Aptitude Research survey and other insights you’ll want to keep an eye on.

Millions are Flowing to AI for Talent Acquisition (and Other Recruiting News)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be working its way into every vertical, and the recruitment and talent acquisition space is no exception. While this news roundup by ERE Editor in Chief Todd Raphael definitely covers the important topic of AI in recruitment today, it also sums up a number of articles you should keep an eye on.

Data Offers a Sturdy Foundation but Culture is Your Recruiting Bedrock
In order to run a successful recruitment marketing strategy, a two-pronged approach is needed. You’ll need to both establish a data-driven strategy using recruitment analytics to target and place your job ads where there is the highest potential for ROI. And, you’ll need to support those job posts with content--or, as this author puts it, by leveraging your culture. In this post, Workforce explains how culture, and how you define it in your job ads, can help you run a successful recruitment marketing strategy.

June’s Job Advertising News

Google for Jobs: What You Need to Know & How to Get Your Jobs on Google [eBook]
It’s not every day that a multi-billion dollar tech company jumps into the recruitment space, but that’s exactly what happened when Google officially launched it’s Google for Jobs platform on June 20, last month. To help, we’ve put together an eBook that answers the essential questions around Google for Jobs, which you can download for free here.

What is Programmatic Job Advertising?
For even the foremost experts in recruitment marketing, it’s important to return back to the basics from time to time. With that in mind, we decided to tackle a question that continues to be asked by many in the HR and talent acquisition space: What is programmatic job advertising? Read on to learn about programmatic job advertising and why it’s so critically important to recruitment marketing.

Ready or Not, Google for Jobs is Here
It feels like just yesterday that the recruitment rumor mill was abuzz with the announcement of Google for Jobs, but that was actually a month ago. In the spirit of not wasting time, Google officially launched its job search engine on Tuesday, June 20. In this post, Joel Cheesman of ERE highlights what this launch means for the industry. If you still need some background on this story, however, you can check out our recent posts: Google Announces Long-Rumored US Job Search Engine and What Google Hire Means For Your Recruitment Strategy.

When is the Perfect Time to Post a Job?
Given the diversity of job advertisements, it’s nearly impossible to determine a one-size-fits-all “perfect” time to post. Rather, understanding the optimal time for you to post your jobs can only really be determined with access to deep recruitment marketing analytics. However, if you’re just getting started with recruitment marketing and have no benchmark to compare the performance of your jobs with, it’s helpful to understand in general when the “perfect” posting time might be. In this blog, you’ll be given a solid starting point to work from before you post your first job.

How Technology Helps Recruiters Hire the “Right Talent” Quickly and In Large Numbers
As the labor market tightens, businesses of all stripes are trying to find new ways to higher at scale, efficiently. Those who are most successful have been meeting the challenges of today’s talent-driven marketplaces with technology. In this blog, learn about how recruitment technology can help you address three new obstacles in the talent acquisition space.

Why Candidate Experience Matters More Than Ever
For top talent, today’s job search can feel a lot like shopping, given that candidates now control a significant portion of the hiring funnel, just as consumers drive the marketing funnel. Realizing this, recruiters have begun to reexamine and improve their candidate experience, in the same way marketers today are revamping consumer experiences. While this trend might not be new, read on to learn why it matters more than ever in talent acquisition today.

New Names, More Money and Some M&A
Each week our mission is to use this newsletter as a means of delivering to you the most important recruitment marketing news we’ve come across recently. In the spirit of this mission, we like to include our friend the Job Board Doctor’s monthly news roundups to help bring you even more recruitment marketing news. In his latest news roundup, the Job Board Doctor covers much of the moves in the industry that you’ll want to keep an eye on--like Beyond’s rebrand.

Yes, Your Candidate Experience Is Probably Worse Than You Think
As you already know, just getting job seekers to your job descriptions can be difficult enough. However, the recruitment battle doesn’t end when candidates click the “apply now” button on your website; there’s (probably) still a lengthy apply process ahead for that candidate, which could make or break your ability to effectively acquire top talent. In this post, Recruiting Daily breaks down a recent CareerBuilder survey that looks at why so many companies today struggle with the candidate experience.

3 Fresh Job Description Formats You Should Try
You’ve already done a great deal of work to ensure the right job seekers are finding your job descriptions, but unless your content is solid, those efforts may be wasted. Job description content is just as important as the tech you use to get it to the web, and therefore should be tested and optimized whenever possible. Read on to learn about 3 job description formats you can A/B test on your job ads, and which formats work best for your prospects.

The Unending “War for Talent”
With candidates today comfortable in the driver seats of today’s talent markets, some might find it hard to argue that the “war for talent” still rages on. They might argue that talent has won the war, and this is the way things will be for HR and talent acquisition professionals moving forward. Not so fast, according to the SHRM Blog. Check out this blog to learn why the Society for Human Resources Management believes the “war for talent” hasn’t come to its end, and what that means for you.

Use Programmatic AI to gain a competitive advantage today

Elevate your talent acquisition strategy with data-driven insights and AI-powered solutions.