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Welcome back to Recruitment Analytics and Job Advertising News–our monthly content roundup that pulls together all of the articles and blogs we’ve been reading about recruitment analytics and job advertising.

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recruitment analytics and job advertising news

October’s Recruitment Analytics News

Recruitics Analytics Named Most Innovative Big Data Solution for 2017 by TATech
On Thursday, September 28, Recruitics Analytics was named the Most Innovative Big Data Solution by TATech at their annual Recruiting Service Innovation (ReSI) Awards Gala. This year’s ceremony, meant to recognize talent acquisition industry innovators and innovations, was held in Denver, CO. Read on to learn more.

iCIMS: Consumer Tech Trends Are Transforming the Hiring Process
Many in recruitment today are quick to highlight the challenges that a constantly evolving industry present, but few consider how the changing job seeker has affected the hiring process, as well. In a new study titled “The Modern Job Seeker,” iCIMS set out to understand how today’s candidates are navigating their job searches. Read on to learn more about their findings, including how modern consumer technology has helped shape talent acquisition as we know it.

Improving the Mobile Candidate Experience Can Lower Your CPAs
A lot has changed in recruitment over recent years, none more radically than the way in which job seekers search for and find employment opportunities. Of the many changes in this respect, properly serving mobile job seekers has been one of the most difficult. In our latest blog, we discuss how improving your mobile candidate experience can make it easy to lower your cost-per-applicant and help you drive greater ROI.

Online Job Ads Edge Up in September
The Bureau of Labor Statistics might be reporting a decrease in jobs added to the economy in September--thanks in no small part to Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria--but a new report from The Conference Board finds job ads on the rise in the previous month. In this post, the Staffing Industry Analysts highlight the most important points from the latest online job ads report.

Results of the 2017-2018 Global Recruiting Site Trends Survey
The Global Recruiting Site Trends Survey is an annual report that takes the pulse of the recruitment marketing industry. Each year the Job Board Doctor selects an industry partner (this year, it was Jobg8) to help make the survey a reality. Learn what recruitment marketers, job board operators and HR executives had to say about the state of online recruitment in 2017 here.

Lists Ranks Largest Job Boards; Global Job Board Revenue Up 9%
In April of this year, Recruitment Innovation Exchange sat down with Recruitcs President Jonathan Zila to ask him about the future of job boards. During this Q&A, Zila explained that the demise of job boards has been greatly exaggerated and the latest numbers from the “Job Board Market Report: 2017 Update” underline this point. With overall market growth up at 9 percent, this report from Staffing Industry Analysts highlights why job boards continue to find success in the age of aggregators and Google for Jobs.

October’s Job Advertising News

Understanding the Impact of Automation on Recruitment
Automation, and the artificial intelligence that powers it, seems to be popping up everywhere--and the HR department is no exception. While a knowledge gap exists and the technology is still young, automation largely represents an opportunity for those in recruitment who leverage it. In our latest blog, we take an in-depth look at automation and how it can impact your talent acquisition efforts.

3 Challenges Marketplaces Have Advertising Jobs Online and How To Solve Them
Marketplaces like Uber, GrubHub, Thumbtack and more are all revolutionizing both the way we access services and the way people work. But in order for them to survive, they must grow, and they’re currently facing an uphill battle in online recruitment. In our latest blog, we take a look at why marketplaces are struggling with talent acquisition in today’s online recruitment space.

How Marketplaces Can Improve Their Recruitment Marketing Strategies in 3 Simple Steps
While we recently spoke about the common challenges marketplaces face in online recruitment today (and how to solve for them), this week we’re taking a look at recruitment marketing strategies for these unique organizations. Read on to learn about the 3 simple steps marketplaces can take to begin improving their job advertising strategies.

ICYMI: Top Takeaways From HR Tech Conference 2017
The HR Technology Conference and Expo is a must-attend industry event put on each year by The Human Resource Executive. This year’s event took place just a couple of weeks ago in Las Vegas, and the Recruitics team was there. Read on to catch up on some top takeaways we’re highlighting from the event twittersphere.

The Rally Recruitment Marketing Community Officially Launches
Tired of thinking of recruitment marketing as a “niche” profession? You’re not alone. Rally, a new online community and forum for recruitment marketers, has officially launched and is now inviting professionals of all stripes, and from every corner of the industry, to contribute. You can learn more about Rally, the content they’ll be publishing and how to get involved here.

Why AI Doesn’t Mean Taking the ‘Human’ Out of Human Resources
Artificial intelligence may seem futuristic, but it’s already a major part of our lives. Whether you’re taking advantage of Google’s search algorithms, or setting rules to automate your bids in Recruitics Action, AI is quietly making our lives easier and more efficient. In this post, Fortune explains how AI is playing a growing role on ATS platforms and why HR professionals don’t need to worry about being replaced by robots anytime soon.

Why Your Marketing Colleagues Are Your Secret Weapon For Recruiting Great People
HR and talent acquisition professionals know they’re facing an uphill battle in bringing on top talent in today’s talent-driven markets. That challenge is only compounded when job seekers are unable to easily learn about your business, and recent research suggests that that knowledge gap is wider than you might like to believe. Here, LinkedIn UK’s Head of Talent Solutions highlights his company’s research and explains why recruitment marketing is the answer.

Facebook Elbows In and LinkedIn Wakes Up: News From the Recruitment Marketing World
The fall tends to be a time when HR and talent acquisition professionals are sent into overdrive, closing out end-of-year hiring responsibilities, while setting themselves up to hit the ground running at the end of Q4 and into 2018. During these hectic weeks, it’s easy for industry news to fall off your radar. Take a look at some recruitment marketing news the Job Board Doctor has compiled for you to have on your radar in the weeks ahead.

The Recruitment Industry’s Technological Revolution
It’s impossible to ignore all the ways technology has changed recruitment over the last few years, but do these innovations and advancements constitute a “revolution?” That’s the assessment of Computer Business Review, who believe the rapid adoption of tech in recruitment is a piece of the larger Fourth Industrial Revolution. In this post, CBR highlights all the ways in which technology has upended recruitment and what that means for the space moving forward.

Facebook Updates Its Status, Test New Resume Posting Feature
If you think Google’s move into the recruitment space was abrupt, you might want to take a look at Facebook who’s also moving at breakneck speeds. It hasn’t even been a year since Facebook announced job posting for company pages, and they’re already starting to beta test a resume posting feature. Given the importance of social media in recruitment today, read on to learn about how Facebook’s new feature could affect your recruitment marketing strategy.

AI is Changing the Hiring Process, But Will Never Replace Recruiters
It’s possible for artificial intelligence to be injected into nearly every phase of the hiring process today. From chatbots to resume analysis, as we mentioned above in this week’s blog, a company with a big enough budget really could automate the entire recruitment funnel. But you probably shouldn’t, and for good reason. In this post by VentureBeat, learn why recruiters never need to worry about being totally replaced by robots.

Three Things We’ll See in Talent Acquisition by 2022
With all of the innovation and new technology being pumped into the talent acquisition space these days, it can feel like the whole industry is moving at warp speed at times. If trying to get your head around that isn’t overwhelming enough, try looking five years down the road. Luckily for us, Fistful of Talent has done just that. Read on to see which trends--like recruitment as marketing--we can expect to overtake the industry in the years ahead.

The New New Thing: Blockchains and Recruiting
In case you don’t already have a full plate of new recruitment technologies you need to brush up on, we’ve got one more for you. Blockchains--a system established in 2009 for ultra secure communications--have been blowing up headlines lately, and recruitment is no exception. While this technology has yet to make its way into recruitment, ERE makes a convincing case of how and when blockchains may be used in recruitment (sooner, rather than later).

Why You Can’t Trust AI to Make Unbiased Hiring Decisions
As we discussed in last week’s blog on the impact automation can have on recruitment, artificial intelligence (AI) can do quite a lot for HR and talent acquisition teams today. However, despite fast evolving capabilities of AI, there are certain things you should never automate: like hiring decisions. In this post, learn why AI-powered hiring decisions are a bad idea, even when diversity is one of your concerns.

One Section of Your Business Isn’t Innovating Fast Enough
If you guessed that section might be your HR department, then you’re right on the money. According to new research by FuturePeople--an employer branding organization--HR departments haven’t changed their approach to hiring in the face of an evolving gig economy and growing influence amongst millennials. Read on to learn about failing to adopt an effective recruitment marketing strategy impacts a business’s bottom line.

ICYMI: Top Takeaways From ASA Staffing World 2017
The American Staffing Association’s annual Staffing World event is a well-known industry conference that invites staffing professionals from across the country to come and learn about new and innovative products, technology and services. Recruitics was at the most recent expo in Chicago last week and we pulled together some top takeaways from the twittersphere for all those who may have missed (or want to relive) the event.

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