Welcome back to Recruitment Analytics and Job Advertising News–our monthly content roundup that pulls together all of the articles and blogs we’ve been reading about recruitment analytics and job advertising.
This column is a compilation of all the content we’ve sent to our newsletter subscribers over the course of the past month. Sign up for our newsletter now to get these updates sent directly to your inbox each week.
Recruitment Analytics News From August
The 2017 Beginner’s Guide to Recruitment Marketing Attribution
Attribution: it’s what makes recruitment marketing analytics insightful. But, for even the most sophisticated recruitment marketers, the details of attribution can seem a little out of focus. In our latest eBook, we take you step-by-step through the basics of attribution, helping you understand what it is, how it works and which attribution model helps you get the most accurate data behind your online job advertisements.
Two Ways Source-Level Data Could Be Misleading You
Every HR and talent acquisition professional today understands the import role data plays in understanding the success or failure of their recruitment strategy. But, if you’re solely relying on source-level data, then you’re at risk of being mislead by the data itself. In our latest post, we explain why that is using two examples with real data, and show how these misleading insights could hamper your strategy.
5 Key Aspects of Successful Recruitment Marketing Strategies
Recruitment marketing is a fast-paced and quickly evolving industry. With that in mind, it’s important to continue to return back to the basics in order to ensure your current strategies are grounded in up-to-date best practices. In our most recent post, we take you through key aspects of successful recruitment marketing strategies, answering basic questions and giving you a solid starting point to optimize your efforts.
500 Applications, Zero Qualified Candidates… What Do You Do?
Can you imagine posting a job online, receiving hundreds of applications and, when it’s all said and done, not having a single prospect for hire? For some of our readers, that scenario will hit too close to home, and for others it serves as a cautionary tale of an instance that happens far too often in online recruitment today. In this post, Mediabistro explains how you can avoid this exact scenario with a couple of best practices.
Online Job Ads Fall in July: SIA
As an HR or talent acquisition professional, you no doubt keep an eye on the monthly jobs reports out of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Well, one other report you might want to keep a close eye on is the Job Ads report from The Conference Board. These reports can help you gauge demand in the labor market and help you get an idea of when competition is highest. In this quick post from the Staffing Industry Analyst, get the most important takeaways from July’s job ads report.
A One-Way Jobs Report: The July Cheat Sheet
The monthly Jobs Reports out of the Bureau of Labor Statistics always make headlines, but in a time where our news cycle has been thrown into overdrive, it’s not unlikely that July’s report slipped by the wayside. That said, it’s one you definitely won’t want to miss. Not only did the economy continue on its now 80-some-odd straight weeks of job growth, but as iCIMS explains in their latest cheat sheet, last month’s Jobs Report came amazingly close to speaking with one, distinct voice.
Job Advertising News From August
How to Hire Seasonal Workers in Today’s Economy
Believe it or not, it’s already time to start thinking about the holiday season. Maybe not as consumers, but as HR and talent acquisition professionals who work in the retail space, the preparations for hiring seasonal workers cannot afford to be delayed. In our latest blog, we take a look at seasonal hiring, why season workers are more difficult to come by, and how you can effectively scale your strategy to meet demand.
How and When to Properly Repost Job ads
In recruitment marketing, there are a number of ways HR and talent acquisition professionals can optimize their online job ads. One of the most effective ways is to ensure your job ads are always fresh is through reposting. In our latest blog, we take a look at what reposting is, why it’s important and how to go about properly accomplishing this important task.
Fall Semester Best Time to Attract College Grads
In a recent blog, we discussed why HR and talent acquisition professionals in the retail, logistics and order fulfillment spaces need to start preparing for the holiday season today, in terms of hiring seasonal workers. Likewise, those interested in hiring recent college grads to fill entry-level roles should start recruiting now, according to a new study by Futurestep. The Society of Human Resources Management breaks down the most important takeaways from this survey in their latest blog here.
Study: Talent Acquisition Will Be a $154 Billion Industry in 10 Years
Recruitment and talent acquisition has always been the cornerstone of a strong organization, but in a world where it’s only becoming more difficult to attract, engage and hire top talent, a new premium has been placed on this important business function. So much so that experts have begun measuring the size of the businesses who service talent acquisition teams, and the results are noteworthy. Read on to learn why the talent acquisition space is expected to grow into a $154 Billion industry by 2027.
HR is the New PR
“Content is important to the success of your job advertisements” and “recruitment is marketing,” are two principles we often bring up on the Recruitics Newsletter. And for good reason: strong content coupled with the strong adaptation of marketing best practices can do wonders for recruitment. So while we know that recruiters need to think like marketers and content creators, what about thinking like PR professionals? In this blog from ERE, Joel Cheesman takes a look at a new trend in recruitment: HR as public relations.
Employers: Challenges Lie Ahead
The future is always filled with obstacles, and businesses have come to recognize them in annual reports like The 2017 Employers List survey, put out by the Philadelphia Business Journal. The survey, detailed in this post, highlights the common challenges companies expect to face in the coming months and years--namely, in recruitment. Read on to learn more about the survey results and, more importantly, how businesses plan to face future recruitment challenges.
Google for Jobs is Already Changing Our Industry
“We’ll just have to wait and see.” It’s the way many of the articles about Google for Jobs ended when the search giant made major waves in the industry with their announcement just a little over a month ago. But, as early research shows, “wait and see” might already be upon us. In this post, The Job Board Doctor shares some early survey results from his upcoming Job Board Software Buyer’s Guide that shows the impact Google for Jobs is already having on recruitment professionals and the strategies they oversee.
3 Marketing Ideas for Recruiters That Are Proven to Work
In order to be successful in terms of talent acquisition, recruiters need to stop thinking like the HR professionals of yesteryear and begin thinking like marketers. And, while this new style of recruitment, commonly known as recruitment marketing, is a must, it can be difficult to make the transition and to pick up new skills that were once only owned by marketers. Here, Recruiting Tools breaks down a few simple marketing tactics that any HR and talent acquisition professional can learn for better recruitment marketing.
What Will the Talent Acquisition Platform of the Future Look Like?
When people in our industry think of “talent acquisition platforms,” their minds often wander to the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). But as recruitment marketing continues to grow as a space, new innovations are shifting our definition of what a talent acquisition platform is and should be. Read on to learn about where one industry expert, Tim Sackett, believes the talent acquisition platform will end up in the coming months and years ahead.
4 Reasons to Proceed with Caution on Google Hire
The dust has finally settled after two major announcements out of Google grabbed the attention of every HR and talent acquisition professional. And, now that the hype machine has finally been given a rest, many have begun to test their hand at recruiting inside the Google Hire ecosystem. In this post by ERE, you’ll be given a look at four key areas where the search giant may have come up short in their latest endeavor.
Will Google for Jobs Turn Job Boards Into Ghost Towns?
It’s always been difficult to get your job ads in front of the right candidates, and if you’re a job board, you feel that pain in your bottom line. After all, job boards are a top source employers go to when advertising their jobs online. However, in this new era of Google for Jobs, job boards might see even more difficulty in driving quality traffic. Here, HR Dive takes a look at the future of job boards now that the search giant has entered the fold.
Why No One is Applying to Your Job Listing
It’s every recruitment marketer’s nightmare: you post a job on a popular website, support it with a budget and wait… and wait, and wait. But, to your surprise, not a single candidate applies. What happened? In this blog, Mediabistro highlights four common problems with job ads that keep candidates from hitting “apply.”
Employer Branding Around the World
As we discussed in our series on The 4 C’s of Recruitment Marketing (you can find Part 1 here), employer branding is an important aspect of approaching recruitment with a marketer’s mentality. If you haven’t yet started beefing up your employer brand, then you might want to get started after reviewing the Employer Branding NOW report by Universum. Read on to learn about how businesses have adopted employer branding around the world, and to see where you stand against the competition.
Here’s Why It’s Time to Add Reddit To Your Recruitment Marketing Mix
Adding new channels to your recruitment marketing strategy is almost always a good idea--in fact, we’ve even written an entire blog on finding the right media mix. With that in mind, we’re constantly on the lookout for new and emerging trends in sources HR and talent acquisition professionals are leveraging to drive traffic today. In this post by Joel Cheesman, you’ll get a first-hand look at the potentially powerful applicant source, Reddit.
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