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Recruitment Marketing Resources

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Key Takeaways: A talent network, also known as a talent community or pipeline, consists of individuals who have provided contact information and consented to receive communications from a company. ...

Key Takeaways: Generic recruitment messaging can make candidates feel undervalued. Personalized messages can make candidates feel seen, valued, and wanted. A personalized recruitment marketing ...

As the job market becomes more challenging, staying ahead of hiring needs becomes more important than ever. One way companies can ensure they’re reaching as many candidates as possible is through ...

Having candidates in your talent network is valuable for your company, but that doesn’t mean your engagement efforts stop once you attract them. Your company needs to have a lead nurturing strategy ...

Building a talent network is beneficial for any company. By doing so, you have a pool of talent ready to access whenever necessary. Maintaining that talent pool can come with its challenges, and ...

Your talent pipeline is one of your most important resources. A pool of qualified candidates means your reqs will get filled fast and well. But to create that pool, you need to be ...

Use Programmatic AI to Gain a Competitive Advantage Today

Elevate your talent acquisition strategy with data-driven insights and AI-powered solutions.