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Recruitment Marketing Trends

It’s safe to say that 2016 is a year that will go down in the history books, for better or for worse.

For Recruitics, it’s been a monster year. Not only are we continuing our growth, but we recently launched Job Slot Optimization and have continued our roll out of End-to-End Analytics.

And, as we head towards the end of this year, we’re very optimistic for 2017.

As you begin to wrap up your 2016 and begin to plan for the year ahead, we thought it might be helpful to share with you exactly why we’re excited for 2017.

With that said, let’s look at four recruitment marketing trends to watch in 2017.

Recruitment Marketing Trends to Watch in 2017

  • Investments in HR technologies will be on the rise:
    There are two main forces at play driving this trend. For one, the US economy continues to show strength, with unemployment now below 5 percent and the number of jobs added to the economy reaching an average of 181,000 per month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The second factor at play here is a change in the industry where HR and talent acquisition are now looked at as business drivers, in large part, for the first time. Companies today are growing, and businesses are looking towards top talent to be their primary drivers of this growth. In order to execute against this vision, we expect a number of HR technologies to be brought on to help support the efforts of finding and attracting the best talent and to make these efforts more efficient.
  • The “Age of Big Data” in recruitment marketing is upon us:
    The “Age of Big Data” has already consumed a number of business departments, and recruitment marketing is next. Employers, job boards and staffing agencies now have enough recruitment marketing data in their systems to properly leverage it in a way that makes their hiring more cost-efficient and effective, and more importantly, predictable. There’s no reason that, in 2017, any business should be making HR or talent acquisition decision without backing those decisions with hard data. In fact, according to a report by Oxford Economics and SAP, only about 7 percent of HR departments lack some form of analytics--putting even greater emphasis on the fact that those who lack recruitment analytics are at risk of falling far behind in 2017.

  • Uncovering deep recruitment marketing insights will be a priority:
    It’s no secret that recruitment marketing has arrived. More companies, job boards and staffing agencies today are beginning to tackle HR and talent acquisition with a proactive, inbound lead-generating mentality. With that said, as these recruitment marketers grow within the space, the data they’re leveraging must grow with them. This is one reason why we believe HR and talent acquisition professionals will begin to look for recruitment analytics platforms that can give them deep recruitment marketing insights that go beyond their number of applications or their cost-per-applicant (CPA). Demand will be greatest for platforms that can integrate with popular ATS platforms and provide End-to-End Analytics that can help track candidates from apply to hire, and show detailed metrics like cost-per-quality-applicant.
  • Out with recruitment, in with recruitment marketing:
    This one might sound self-evident, but 2017 should be the year where we see the final phase out of “recruitment,” as we knew it, and the year in which recruitment marketing takes it’s rightful place as top dog in HR and talent acquisition. Thanks to advances in HR technology over the past year, a number of recruitment marketing tools are now readily available to HR and talent acquisition professionals including programmatic buying, in-depth End-to-End Analytics, retargeting, employer branding, job slot optimization and more. With these technologies at their disposal, there’s no reason HR and talent acquisition professionals shouldn’t look forward to recruitment marketing, during a time that many are calling a war for talent.

As you prepare your budgets and strategies for 2017, these are the trends that you’ll want to keep top of mind as you consider new investments and strategies. Recruitics can provide a number of services and products that help make it easy for employers, staffing agencies and job boards to better understand and optimize your recruitment marketing strategy.

To learn more about how you can leverage our technology to stay ahead of these recruitment trends, sign up for a demo today.

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